Jay Project - EA1314-01
Document List - Scoping
This document is titled "Scenario Analysis, Best practices in assessing cumulative effects from the MGP" and is submitted by AANDC as a follow-up to the Jan 8 technical meeting.
"Strategic approaches to regional cumulative effects assessmet: a case study of the Great Sand Hills, Canada, Noble, 2008" submitted during technical scoping meeting Jan 8, 2014. Canada
This document is a collected summary of Board-led technical and community scoping sessions held between January 7-16, 2014.
This is an example of potential Future Development Senarios prepared by Conoco Phillips. Recemmended for the registry from Jan 8 Technical Meeting.
This is a letter from Ecology North with comments on the draft Terms of Reference.
This is the issues scoping meeting agenda for Lutsel K'e, January 16, 2014.
This is the agenda for the Issues scoping meeting in Behchoko January 14, 2014
This is the presentation prepared by DDEC shown at the community and techncial sceoping sessions.
This is the Technical Scoping Session agenda for Wednesday January 8, 2014 in Yellowknife at the Tree of Peace.
This is the summary of reviewer comments and responses to the DDEC draft Terms of Reference using the WLWB ORS format.
This is a summary table with reviewer comments and developer responses on the draft DDEC Terms of Reference.
This is the agenda for the community issues scoping session for the Jay-Cardinal Project to be held in Yellowknife at the Tree of Peace on January 7, 2014.
This is a table with comments from Environment Canada on the draft DDEC Terms of Reference. A cover letter is attached.
This document contains federal department comments compiled by NPMO on the draft DDEC Terms of Reference.
This table consists of comments from the Goverment of the Northwest Territories on the DDEC draft Terms of Reference.
This table consists of comments from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation on the DDEC draft Terms of Reference.
This table consists of comments from the Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency on the DDEC draft Terms of Reference.
This document is a list of comments and concerns raised during DDEC's community engagement sessions held during August and November 2013.
This is a notification from the Review Board of community scoping sesions and a technical scoping session scheduled for January 2014.
This is an Excel template to be used for comments and recommendations on the Review Board's proposed Terms of Reference. It can also be found on the WLWB's Online Review System.
Letter from the Review Board requesting comments on the developer's proposed Terms of Reference in preparation for a technical scoping session.