Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road - EA-1617-01
Document List - Terms of Reference and workplans
An assessment of the COSEWIC status of barren-ground caribou and other species.
Complete party status application form from the WRRB to the Review Board for EA1617-01, the Tlicho All-season Road.
WRRB response to GNWT regarding November 10, 2016 meeting discussing Boreal caribou population health. Comments on MVEIRB adequacy statement request; NT range population; meeting minutes & commitments
Notes and follow-up from GNWT November 10, 2016 meeting with ECCC, WRRB and CANNOR regarding TASR Adequacy Statement 4.1 - Boreal Caribou - Population Health
Tlicho Government response to Review Board October 28, 2016 information request responses to Aboriginal Government Organizations and Resource Managers.
Response to the Review Board's October 28, 2016 Information request responses to the Tlicho Government and Community Government of What.
Letter from the Tlicho Government outlining the depth and strength of research,d etail and analyis taken in response to the October 28, 2016 Board information requests.
ECCC review of meeting notes and follow-up items from November 22nd, 2016, meeting with GNWT. Discussion on boreal caribou population trends and absence of range plan for North Slave region.
Review Board staff response to PR#85 confirming discussion points from a December 2nd, 2016 meeting with GNWT staff reviewing instructions on the GNWT's Adequacy Statement Response.
Updated response time on the GNWT's written preliminary assessment of NSMA members' Aboriginal rights claim in the NWT - new timeline for early 2017.
GNWT and Review Board staff meeting with GNWT consultants Dec 2, 2016, to clarify items from the Terms of Reference and Adequacy Statement and ensure intent is understood when preparing the response.
Letter from GNWT to Review Board seeking clarification on EA1617-01 requirements from the ToR and AS based on a staff meeting held December 2, 2016.
NSMA letter to GNWT (copied to Review Board). Regarding: North Slave Metis Alliance - Preliminary Assessment of Strength of Claim. GNWT written submission anticipated by NSMA in mid-December.
MVEIRB Note to File to Distribution List inviting organizations and individuals interested in EA1617-01 to apply for party status with the Review Board. December 21, 2016 application deadline.
Mackenzie Bison Management Plan - Draft Version 7. Submitted by the GNWT in response to Adequacy Review ORS comments (PR#76 WRRB#2). Plan developed by the Mackenzie Bison Working Group, July 2016.
Draft Recovery strategy for the Boreal Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the NWT (June 3, 2016). Submitted by the GNWT in response to Adequacy Review ORS comments (PR#76 WRRB#2).
This is an updated ORS comment table including errata,
WRRB email to MVEIRB - clarification that GNWT-ENR has latest version of draft Bison Management Plan and not WRRB. MVEIRB recommended to contact GNWT-ENR for copy.
Microsft Word table from the Online Review System, with public and proponent comments, proponent responses and Review Board responses re. the draft Terms of Reference and draft Adequacy Statement.
This document clontains information requests from thye Review Board to Aboriginal Groups.
This document contains information requests to Tlicho Government and Community Government of Whati.
A chain of correspondence about engagement. consultation and concerns not specific to the Tlicho All-season Road
This is the Reasons for Decision for the scope of environmental assessment and adequacy statement for the Tlicho All-season Road.
The Review Board's final Adequacy Statement on outstanding information needs to saitsfy the ToR for the Tlicho All-season Road Project, EA1617-01 (version 2: corrected reference links in section 4).
The Review Board's final Terms of Reference for the Tlicho All-season Road Project
Notice of Proceeding - Issuance of Review Board's Terms of Reference, Adequacy Statement and supporting documents for the Tlicho All-season Road Project
This notice of proceeding informs parties and the public of Board member Yvonne Doolittle's recusal from participation in the TASR EA and all EA project files where the GNWT is a proponent
The Government of Northwest Territories- Department of Transportation submission from the Financial Administration Manual defining forced growth.
Letter from the Government of Northwest Territories - Department of Transporation outlining their reponse package to comments from parties on the draft Terms of Reference and draft Adequacy Statement
A memorandum letter from Fisheries and Oceans reviewing the review and approval of water crossing projects under the Fisheries Act.
Letter from GNWT to NSMA providing an update on GNWT's preliminary assessment of NSMA members' asserted Aboriginal rights claim in the NWT, intention to meet, and encouragement of TASR participation.
GNWT letter response to Deh Gah Got'ie First Nation regarding their assertion of Rights and interests in the TASR project area. The letter encourages and provides instructions on EA participation.
GNWT email response to Deh Gah Got'ie First Nation Oct. 7 email asserting rights and interests in the TASR project area. Referenced letter attchment has been added as a separate public registry item.
Email from Chief Joachim Bonnetrouge to GNWT asserting section 35 Rights and Treaty 11 interests in the region of the TASR project, and expression of support for a full enviornmental assessment.
Letter to Review Board outlining NSMA's views on the draft Terms of Reference and draft Adequacy document for the TASR EA.
Letter from GNWT to the respective Chiefs in the Deh Cho region informing them of the TASR project and the GNWT's duty to consult for any s.35 Rights that might be affected by the Project.
Notification of an updated video submitted by the GNWT of the proposed TASR alignment, taken September 1, 2016. Instructions on how to view the video are included.
GNWT letter describing an updated flyover video of the TASR alignment, flown September 1, 2016. The purpose of the video is to illustrate the disturbance and use along the alignment.
Letter from NSMA requesting a meeting a meeting with the GNWT to discuss their members' Aboriginal rights as Metis with respect to the proposed Tlicho All-season Road and the Draft Recreational Land Management Framework.
A flight video is available for viewing at the Review Board office or GNWT-DOT office. A solution to view the videos online is being developed and an update will be provided once finalized.
Note to File summarizing a meeting with GNWT-DoT, Board Staff, and representatives from the Tlicho Governmen, October 7, 2016. The meeting purpose was to clarify aspects of the Adequacy Statement.
GNWT consultation letters notifying Aboriginal groups of EA1617-01, the Tlicho All-Season Road, and request for identification of any asserted Aboriginal rights affected by the project.
Review instructions for the draft Terms of Reference and the draft Adequacy Statement. Public comments are due October 13, 2016. Comments from the developer are due October 20, 2016.
EA1617-01 TASR draft Adequacy Statement for public review, as per Step 3 of the September 19, 2016 Notice of Proceeding (PR#44) (formatting corrected)
EA1617-01 TASR draft Terms of Reference for public review, as per Step 3 of the September 19, 2016 Notice of Proceeding (PR#44) for the Review Board's approach to the Terms of Reference.
Notice of proceeding advising the developer and interested parties of the next steps in developing a terms of reference and work plan for the TASR Project