Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road - EA-1617-01
Document List - Technical reports
A submission by the WRRB of a Federal government document on the the status of the implementation of the boreal caribou recovery strategy
The Developer's response to the WRRB's technical report on boreal woodland caribou.
The developer's response to parties' technical reports.
Information about the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk highway working group.
WRRB technical submission specific to boreal woodland caribou.
A cover letter for the Government of Canada's technical reports.
A document referenced in ECCC's technical report.
A document referenced in ECCC's technical report.
The developer has stated that the TASR will require an explosives permit from NRCAN. This document contains additional details on explosive use and management for the TASR and an example of an exposives management.
The GNWT's response to the September 8th fisheries and wildlife questions from the WRRB.
The Developer's meeting report for the Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan overview meeting.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 9 of 9 - appendices f-h.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 8 of 9 - appendix e part 6.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 7 of 9 - appendix e part 5.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 6 of 9 - appendix e part 4.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 5 of 9 - appendix e part 3.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 4 of 9 - appendix e part 2.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 3 of 9 - appendix e part 1.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 2 of 9 - appendices a-d.
Draft geotechnical investigation of granular and bedrock prospects for the Tlicho All Season Road. Document split into eight parts due to size (PR#200-PR#208). Part 1 of 9 - main report.
Species status report on the porcupine caribou and barren-ground caribou in the NWT, submitted to the Review Board registry by GNWT at the request of WRRB.
Bathurst caribou range plan interim discussion documents, submitted to the Review Board registry by the GNWT at the request of WRRB.
Government of Northwest territories updated draft Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan, September 2017.
Government of Northwest Territories cover letter for the September 22 submission of the updated draft Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan.
Meeting report between the GNWT and WRRB to discuss the WRRBs request for extension for their Technical report. Meeting occurred September 11, 2017.
Natural Resources Canada guidelines for bulk explosives facilities minimum requirements, February 2014.
A meeting report for a meeting between Government of Northwest Territories, Natural Resources Canada, and the Northern Projects Management Office related to the storage and use of explosive for EA1617-01.
Presentation for the technical report preparation meeting on September 14, 2017.
Note to file on the technical report preparation meeting, which will be held at the Review Board office at 10:30am on Thursday, September 14, 2017. Includes tips for preparing a technical report.
The North Slave Metis Alliance's party status application form.
A document submitted by the WRRB on Boreal caribou habitat and disturbance in the Wek’èezhìi from 2013
A document submitted by the WRRB regardign boreal caribou habitat and habitat use in the Wek’èezhìi.
Questions from the WRRB to the developer regarding fish, wildlife and Tlicho Knowledge.
This is the developer's response to ECCC IR#9 which asked the developer to consider recent data collected by ECCC on birds along highway 3.
This notice of proceeding outlines the next steps in the EA process. Â This includes a pre-techinical report meeting, a pre-hearing conference, a community hearing, and technical hearings.
A completed application form for Party status from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
The Review Board met with the WRRB to discuss technical reports and public hearing process steps.
A letter from the WRRB requesting an extension for submitting its technical report.
Geotechnical report from the 2017 winter geotechnical program.
A letter from the Wek’èezhìi  Renewable Resources Board regarding the review of the updated Wildlife Management and Migitation Plan.