Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road - EA-1617-01
Document List - Public hearings
A letter from the YKDFN regarding comments made by Board members during the public hearing.
The transcript for day twoof public hearing in Whati held on Thursday November 16, 2017.
The transcript for day three of public hearing in Whati held on Friday November 17, 2017.
The transcript for day one of public hearing in Whati held on Wednesday November 15, 2017.
Tlicho Government submission of their 2013-2017 Strategic Framework document, "In Tlicho Unity: A strategic framework and intentions 2013-2017. Submitted as supporting evidence from the Public Hearing.
During the public hearing the Tlicho Government requested that the results of a 2006 poll about the residents of Whati views on an all season road be posted to the registry. The Review Board asked parties if they had any concerns with this new evidence and parties indicated they didn't have any.
During the public hearing the Tlicho Government requested a report about construction camps be posted to the public registry. The Review Board asked parties if they had any concerns and parties indicated they did not.
During the public hearing the Tlicho Government requested that the results from a 2011 survey of Whati residents views on the road be posted to the public registry.
The Review Board is posting the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for the Dominion Diamond Ekati Corp. Jay Project, EA1314-01. During the public hearing parties referenced this report. The Review Board canvassed parties and the developer and there were no objections to posting this report to the public registry.
The Review Board is posting the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decisions for Fortune Minerals NICO project, EA0809-004, including updated measure number eight. During the public hearing parties referenced this report. The Review Board canvassed parties and the developer and there were no objections to posting this report to the public registry.
Tlicho Government Land Use Guidelines, 2015. Submitted as a homework piece during the Whati Public Hearings (Day 1).
The Developer's presentation for day 3 of the public hearing.
The Developer's day 2 public hearing presentation.
GNWT's presentation for day 1 of the public hearing.
Meeting report between GNWT and ECCC on baseline data for avian species at risk.
This document provides direction to media representatives who wish to attend the public hearings.
Notice of proceeding describing the requirement for parties and the developer to submit qualifications of any expert witnesses they rely on.
The WRRB's public hearing presentation for day 3.
The WRRB's public hearing presentation for day 2.
The agenda for the public hearings in Whatì on November 15, 16 and 17.
NRCAN's summary of its public hearing presentation.
The NPMO's cover letter for public hearing presentations.
Proper spelling for common Tłı̨chǫ place names and a link to a Tłı̨chǫ dictionary. Presenters at the Public Hearing are asked to review their presentations for proper spelling of Tłı̨chǫ terms.
Meeting minutes from the EA1617-01 TASR Pre-hearing Conference meeting. The meeting took place October 25, 2017 at the Review Board office in Yellowknife.
The developer's updated consultation and engagement package.
The Review Board requested the developer's provide its position on the participation of Board member James Wah-Shee in the public hearings.This document is the developer's response.
Draft agenda for EA1617-01, Tlicho All-season Road. The Draft agenda has been put together to facilitate discussions at the Pre-hearing Conference (see PR#231) on October 25, 2017. A final agenda will be posted closer to the Public Hearing date that considers feedback from the Developer and parties.
Agenda for the TASR Pre-hearing conference. The conference will be held at the Review Board office in Yellowknife, from 10am-12pm on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. Teleconference is available.
GNWT letter to the YKDFN acknowledging receipt of YKDFN's concerns as outlined in their technical report submission to the Review Board, and encouragement for continued participation and dialogue.
Reference document for parties on how boreal caribou 65% threshold was derived, and opportunities to understand disturbance and population response. "Understanding disturbance thresholds and opportunities to achieve better outcomes for boreal caribou in Canada: a primer". Published by the Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement.
Note to file describing James Wah-Shee's participation in the Tlicho All Season Road project public hearings in Whati, November 15-17, 2017.
Letter from the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency outlining the participation and status of Government of Canada departments for EA1617-01.
Letter from the GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources to the Department of Infrastructure informing that a Wildlife Act Section 95(1) determination has been made and that a Wildlife Management and Monitoring Plan (WMMP) will be required for the TASR prior to construction.
Review Board will hold a pre-hearing conference on October 25 at the Review Board's office from 10am - 12pm. Items to discuss include the public hearing agenda, format, presentations and expectations. Teleconferencing will be available. See form for more details.
The updated work plan, including dates for technical reports and the public hearing.