The Northern Regulatory Improvements Initiatives was announced by Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Metis and Non-Status Indians in November 2007. The Minister has appointed Mr. Neil McCrank to lead the initiative and submit a final report to the Government of Canada outlining proposed recommendations for advancing the regulatory regime, after which Canada will develop a strategy for action.
This initiative was lead by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. This section of the reference library is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of all documents and correspondence. Instead, the select documents posted are meant to provide an overview of the Review Board's involvement in the initiative.
Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative
This letter from the Regional Director General of INAC acknowledges the Board Forum's concerns regarding the enforcement of measures. In the letter the Regional Director General refers back to the relationship building workshop outcomes where action items were listed for the Board Forum, INAC and other government regulator's attention. The Regional Director General feels this is likely the first of many workshops to come in dealing with the issue.
On March 18th and 19th, 2008, Neil McCrank chaired a Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative Workshop, which was held in Yellowknife, NWT. Over the course of the two-day workshop, participants were provided the opportunity, both orally and in writing, to provide suggestions on how to refine and improve the current regulatory process. This report summarizes the workshop.
Neil McCrank's Final Report: (872.32 KB)
This is the final report, entitled The Road to Improvement, written by Mr. Neil McCrank, the Minister's Special Representative for the Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative. The McCrank report sets out recommendations to the Minister of INAC for improving the regulatory regime in the North.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's media release which announces the Northern Regulatory Improvement Initiative.
This letter from the Review Board offers comments and insights on the recommendations in the "Road to Improvement" report. In addition, the Review Board provides advice to the Minister on how INAC might proceed to address the highest priority issues in the most timely and effective manner.
The NWT Board Forum submitted a letter to the Hon. Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, thanking him for meeting with the forum and welcoming a collaborative approach to the initiative.
Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board and Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board's joint response to the "Road to Improvement" report.
The NWT Board Forum submitted a letter to Mr. Neil McCrank, Special Representative of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, thanking him for meeting with the forum and highlighting the key areas, on which the forum feels the initiative should focus.
Joint Response from NWT Board Forum letter sent to the Minister in response to the "Road to Improvement" report.
Letter sent by the Review Board and the land and water boards to the Regional Director General of INAC about better integrating board decisions into the INAC Monitoring and Enforcement framework.