Mackenzie River 2D Seismic Program - EA02-002
Document List - Terms of Reference and workplans
DCFN's comments on the draft terms of reference and work Plan.
The Terms of Reference of and Work Plan for WesternGeco's Mackenzie River Seismic Program.
Dr. Arthur Popper's comments on the draft terms of reference.
MVEIRB notifies the distribution list that the WesternGeco EA has been reactivated and forwards a copy of the Draft Terms of Reference and Work Plan for the Mackenzie Seismic program.
INAC's comments on the draft terms of reference for WesternGeco's Mackenzie River Seismic Project
DFO's comments on the draft terms of reference for WesternGeco's Mackenzie River Seismic Program.
MVEIRB forwards a copy of DFO and INAC's comments on the draft terms of reference and work plan to the distribution list.
Dr. Arthur Popper's comments in response to the draft terms of reference and DFO's comments on the same document.
WesternGeco submits its comments on the draft terms of reference and work plan.