Giant Mine Remediation Project - EA0809-001
Document List - Other public registry materials
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of a series of documents from AANDC regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is an article regarding debate on monitoring in perpetuity for a mine in Alaska. It was submitted for the regiistry by Leslie Wakelyn, member of the public.
A letter from the public, Mr. Robert Wilson, expressing concerns with the Giant Mine Remediation Project, specifically regarding water quality and public safety.
Letter from the public, Mr. Craig Yeo, outlining concerns with the proposed Giant Mine Remediation Project, specifically public safety, the release of contaminated water into Yellowknife Bay, funding for perpetual care, and independent oversight.
This is an update on the freeze optimization study as of August 2012.
These are responses from Environment Canada to Alternatives North's questions of Aug. 3 2012.
This letter from the developer described the status of discussions on an arms-length oversight comittee for the Giant project
This is an e-mial and memo from BacTech Environmental responding to the SRK memo of Aug. 14, 2012.
The attached file contains a collection of media documents regarding the Giant Mine site and Remediation Project - submitted by Alternatives North
Analysis and results of the summer 2009 air quality monitoring program to establish a baseline for fugitive emissions pertaining to the tailings areas and other sources at the Giant Mine site.
Analysis and results of the summer 2008 air quality monitoring program to establish a baseline for fugitive emissions pertaining to the tailings areas and other sources at the Giant Mine site.
Analysis and results of the 2006 summer air quality monitoring program to establish baseline fugitive emissions from the tailings areas and other disturbed areas at the Giant Mine site.
Analysis and results of the 2005 summer air quality monitoring program to establish a baseline for fugitive emissions from the tailings areas and other disturbed areas at the Giant Mine site.
Record of Giant Mine Environmental Assessment Delays as compiled by Alternatives North.
Follow-up e-mail from Alternatives North regarding the receipt of participant frunding for the Giant Mine Remediation Project environmental assessment.
Alternatives North follow-up questions regarding the Giant Mine 2010 Air Quality Monitoring Baseline Report.
This report provides details of baseline monitoring programs, the results and discussion of the findings, comparisons between 2010 data and data from the previous monitoring programs, as well as conclusions and recommendations.
This document represents a start in outlining the complex social and economic aspects of the gold mining industry in the Yellowknife area.
Alternatives North questions on AANDC-GNWT organizational chart for the Giant Mine Remediation Project
AANDC and the Land and Water Boards have developed these guidelines in support of the vision of an efficient and effective regulatory process.
Draft terms and conditions that may become part of a land use permit for the Giant Mine Geotechnical Program.
This MVLWB letter notifies parties that a new land use permit application for the Giant Mine Geotechnical Program is available for review and comment.
This memo provides an assessment of BacTech Environmental Corp.'s (BacTech) Bacterial Oxidation (BACOX) technology for remediating the Giant mine (Giant) tailings, located on the north side of Yellowknife, NWT.
Alternatives North e-mail providing additional points for consideration in relation to their letter on Redactions to the Site Stabilization Plan.
Alternatives North letter indicating concerns with unilaterally decided redactions made by AANDC to the Site Stabilization Plan prior to submission to the public registry.
Letter advising parties to direct any Giant EA correspondence to EAO Shannon Hayden until Aug. 28 2012.
This document provides knowledge of the historical environmental and health impacts of Giant Mine, and a thorough analysis of the mine's impact on the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
Cover letter introducing the "Giant Mine: Historical Summary" report submitted by researchers from Memorial University.
This report has been submitted by Alternatives North to support the initiation of and highlight the effectiveness of independent monitoring agencies in an international context.
This report has been submitted by Alternatives North to support the initiation of and highlight the effectiveness of independent monitoring agencies in a local context.
This report has been submitted by Alternatives North to support the initiation of and highlight the effectiveness of independent monitoring agencies in a local context.
This e-mail from Alternatives North provides links and attachments (also provided on the Registry) supporting the effectiveness of independent monitoring agencies locally and internationally.
Request from Alternatives North to the Giant Mine Project team for submission of updated Field Optimization Study findings
Summary of the Giant Mine Remediation Project team's current thinking with respect to long-term stewardship of the waste legacy at Giant Mine.
This document sets out the intended procurement strategy of the Government of Canada and the Government of the Northwest Territories to achieve both the objectives of site remediation while fostering northern economic development opportunities.
This Golder Report provides a summary of findings on a fish monitoring program carried out following the May 2011 overflow event.
This document prvides fish use habitat maps for Reaches 0 through 6 of Baker Creek
These documents provide an update of the Baker Creek Fish and Fish Habitat Project and a summary of the seasonal fish use at Baker Creek.
This document presents the findings of the 2009 fish monitoring program on Baker Creek, and constitutes the third of three annual reports.
This document provides a summary and discussion of the fish monitoring plan methods and results following construction at Reach 4 of Baker Creek in 2006
This plan aims to address the dangers at the Giant Mine site in response to information regarding on-site risks and the extended timelines of the regulatory process.
This meeting is intended to be both an update on the activities of the Giant Mine Remediation Project Team on the EMS and a follow-up to the previous meeting of April 25 2012.
This meeting was a follow-up to the 5 March 2012 EMS Update with the Parties, with the purpose of providing another informal update on the recent and current activities of the GMRP Team on the EMS and seek further feedback from interested parties.
The purpose of this meeting was to provide an informal update on the current activities of the GMRP team on the Environmental Management System (EMS) and seek feedback from interested parties.
Terms of Reference for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Management Working Group
This memo provides an assessment of the potential risk to human health of a member of the public that could walk or run along the Ingraham Trail during Giant Mine Remediation Project (GMRP) activities.
This report documents the results of monitoring of four tailings cover test plots during the 2010 season.
Outlines AANDC requirements for the registration, organization, and preservation of information.
AECOM report summarizing the results of sludge testing and the bench scale testing program including a discussion on the implications of the results and a brief discussion on the results of the equipment manufacturer's independent testing.
This is a Golder memo presenting baseline data for snow depth, ice thickness and water quality for hydrodynamic modelling of Yellowknife Bay.
The Giant Mine Project Team is proceeding with two lines of investigation in support of engineering and design of the project's frozen block method for managing the underground arsenic dust.
Memo describing the process for determining the criteria for success of ground freezing.
Cover letter outlining the items submitted by the Giant Team in response to recommendations from the Pre-Technical Report Workshop and correspondence with the Review Board - also filed under 'Developer's Assessment Report"
Questions submitted by Alternatives North for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan and Treasury Board Secretariats on Perpetual Care in preparation for the Public Hearing
This is a letter from Yellowknife resident Lois Little regarding concerns and recommendations regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Project
The following document is a May 2005 tabular summary of crown pillar failure risk-ranking.
The following document is a memo from SRK Consulting to the Giant Mine Remediation Project proponent regarding crown pillar stability on the Giant Mine site.
The following document is an independent risk assessment of Giant Mine components related to arsenic trioxide migration for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document is a Golder assessment on the stability of Stope 2-01 Complex Crown Pillar in relation to the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document is a stability assessment by Golder on Crown Pillar B2-08 in relation to the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document is a memo from Golder for the Giant Mine Remediation Project proponent regarding proposed mitigation for high risk underground workings in relation to the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document is a memo from Golder for the Giant Mine Remediation Project proponent regarding stope stability and surface access.
The following document is a memo from AECOM for the Giant Mine Remediation Project proponent regarding the structural integrity of the Giant-site roaster complex and other buildings.
This is the CV of Katherine A. Enns, an ecotoxicologist the Board is considering engaging as a part of its experts group for the Giant Mine EA. Parties wishing to comment should do so before July 16, 2012.
This letter reminds parties of upcoming dates and advises them of a change of contact for the week week of July 10th to 13th 2012.
This e-mail from Alternatives North asks the Giant team for plans regarding the demolition of the roaster complex, legal jsutification, and a related comittment.
This is the consolidated version of the "French Radioactive Materials and Waste Planning Act of 28 June 2006" by ANDRA, submitted by Alternatives North.
This is an ANDRA report, submitted by Alternatives North, titled Disposal Faciltiies: Preserving a Collecitve Memory for Future Generations.
This is a report titled Making Nuclear Waste Governable: Deep Undergroung Disposal and the Challenge of Reversability, by ANDRA, the nuclear waste management authority of France.
This e-mail from Alternatives North describes financing of perpetual care nuclear waste sites in France. [ It accompanies four reports posted seperately].
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for refrigerant R-507, the halocarbon spilled on the Giant Mine site on June 29th, 2012.
This is a spill report by Deton'Cho Nuna Joint Venutre to the NWT SPill Line about a halocarbon spill at the Freeze Optimization Study at Giant Mine.
This e-mail discusses the recent halocarbon spill at the Giant Mine site. [Two accompanying documents are posted seperately].
This e-mail from Alternatives North asks the Giant team about meeting summaries and information about oversight committee meetings.
This report, by the UK Nuclear Decomissioning Authority, describes the environmental safety case for geological disposal of nuclear waste. It was submitted by Alternatives North.
This report, by the UK Nuclear Decomissioning Authority, describes the operational safety case for geological disposal of nuclear waste. It was submitted by Alternatives North.
This e-mail from Alternatives North accompanies two reports from the UK Nuclear Decomissioning Authority.
These are responses to information requests from a CEAA Panel regarding the Deep Geological Repository for nuclear waste in Ontario. See responses EIS-01-16 and EIS-01-17 (on pages 50-54) re: glaciation +shoreline change. Submittted by Alt. North.
This backgrounder from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization describes how future climate change and glaciation is considered in the long-term storage of nuclear waste. It was submitted by Alternatives North.
This backgrounder on financial surety from the Nuclear Waste Management Organization describes a trust fund for managing nuclear waste disposal sites in Ontario. It was submitted by Alternatives North.
This e-mail from Alternatives North accompanies three documents pertaining to the Deep Geological Repository for nuclear waste in Ontario.
This is an AECOM report on the structural condition of the mill conveyor, submitted by the developer.
This SENES report, submitted by the developer, describes the results of CALPUFF air quality dispersion modelling.
This e-mail describes Alternatives North's expectations for the June 27-28 2012 workshop that the Giant Team will host.
This is an agenda for a workshop that will be hosted by the Giant Team for EA parties. It will include an update on site work and progress since the technical sessions and IRs.
This e-mail from Alternatives North requests two report from the developer, one about the roaster complex and one about the main conveyor gallery. These relate to the site stabilization plan.
This is a letter from Alternatives North to the Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
This advises parties of a temporary change of contact until June 4, 2012.
This file contains photos, tables and a spreadsheet provided by the developer on May 10th, 2012 at a meeting on the Site Stabilization Plan at the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.
This is Chapter 3 of a report released by the Federal Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development titled "Federal Contaminated Sites and Their Impacts". It was submitted to the registry by Alternatives North.
This is a summary of a meeting about the Environmental Management System that occurred between the developer and parties on March 5, 2012.
This is a summary of a meeting about the Environmental Management System that occurred between the developer and parties on March 5, 2012.
This is the covering letter that accompanied the summary of a meeting about the Environmental Management System that occurred between the developer and parties on March 5, 2012.
This is a plan for long term care fo the Hanford perpetual care site in the US. It has been submitted to the registry by Alternatives North as an example of a perpetual care plan.
This is correspondence from Alternatives North to the City of Yellowknife regarding approvals for the demolition of the mill conveyor at the Giant site.
This is a report by the Pembina Institute on report on Perpetual Care Funding Options for Giant Mine. It was prepared for and submitted by Alternatives North.
This documentary deals with perpetual care issues in Europe. It was presented by Alternatives North at the Giant Mine Perpetual Care Workshop in Dettah.
In this letter the Board extends the deadline for technical reports to July 11, 2012, as requested by the YKDFN. It also identifies other dates that have been adjusted to reflect this change.
This is a discussion paper prepared for the Review Board by Alternatives North. It examines designation options for the Giant Mine.
These attachments to the March 13 2012 letter from the developer were received on March 21 2012. They provide additional technical details about the mill conveyor work.
This letter from the developer describes the legal basis for dismantling the mill conveyor. It is a response to the Review Board's letter of March 26, 2012.
This letter provides Alternatives North's views on the YKDFN request for an extension.
The following document is a report from a joint Alternatives North/Yellowkives Dene First Nation workshop on independent oversight for AANDC's Giant Mine Remediation Project.
This letter from the YKDFN describes concerns regarding the mill conveyor work.
This letter from the Review Board asks the Giant Team for the legal basis for the mill conveyor work and other any other site stabilization activties that are within the scope of the ongoing environmental assessment
This letter requests parties' comments regarding the YKDFN request to extend the technical report submission deadline to mid-July.
This letter describes Alternatives North's concerns regarding the March 13th, 2012 letter from AANDC about dismantling the mill conveyor.
This letter states that the Giant Team is preparing to dismantle the mill conveyor by April 30, 2012 to address risks on site.
This e-mail and its attachments highlight Alternatives North's concerns about AANDC's plans to apply for new land use permits and water licences before completion of the Environmental Assessment and without prior public consultation.
This is an e-mail and Statement of Work for a study of long term funding options for Giant Mine. The study is being comissioned by Alternatives North and YKDFN.
This is an e-mail, proposal and agenda for a workshop on independence and oversight at Giant Mine, organized by Alternatives North and the YKDFN.
The following document is a letter to the Review Board from Dennis Kefalas, Director of Public Works and Engineering for the City of Yellowknife. The letter proposes a revised scope for the environmental assessment of the Giant Mine Remediation.
This is the report of the Giant Mine Perpetual Care Workshop held by Alternatives North in Dettah on September 26-27, 2011.
This is correspondence between Alternatives North and the developer describing issues regarding proposed work on tailings at Jo-Jo Lake.
Cover letter for the document regarding the reclamation plan to permanently mitigate the historic tailings at Jo-Jo Lake (NT Spill 11-159) .
This is a study titled "The Theory and Practice of Perpetual Care of Contaminated Sites" by Dr. Joan Kuyek, submitted by Alternatives North. The summary of this study is available on this web page in a seperate file.
This is a covering letter from Alternatives North for a study of perpetual care of contaminated sites by Dr. Joan Kuyek. The study summary is included in the same file.
This is a Note to File describing a meeting with the developer regarding new subsidence of the B1 pit wall and possible new activities on the Giant site.
This is the Baker Creek Reach 7 Overflow Monitoring Program Final Report. It describes and characterizes the recent transport of tailings from the Giant Mine site into Yellowknife Bay via Baker Creek.
This is the Baker Creek Reach 7 Overflow Monitoring Program Interim Report. It describes and characterizes the recent transport of tailings from the Giant Mine site into Yellowknife Bay via Baker Creek.
This is a covering letter to a UBC report on Independent Environmental Oversight.
This letter describes the allocation of participant funding for the Giant EA. It includes the decision of the review committee as an attachment.
This is a document titled "The policy framework in Canada for mine closure and management of long-term liabilities: A guidance document"". It was submitted by Alternatives North for use in its later submissions.
This is a study titled "Lessons learned on community involvement in the remediation of orphaned and abandonded mine sites: Case studies and analysis". It was submitted by Alternatives North for use in its later submissions.
This letter from INAC describes geotechnical investigations proposed for January 2011. These are related to the Giant Mine Remediation Project. Two letters are attached, one to GNWT Municipal and Community Affairs and another to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.
This is a MS Word version of INAC's participant funding guide and application form. It can be modified by applicants to include their particulars when applying for funding.
This document is a guide to participant funding and application forms. It is an attachment to the Nov. 24th, 2010 letter from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding participant funding for the Giant Mine environmental assessment.
This public notice from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada announces participant funding for the Giant Mine environmental assessment.
This is a letter from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding participant funding for the Giant Mine environmental assessment.
This is an e-mail responding to the Back Bay Community Association's request for information on the Giant environmental Assessment
This is an e-mail from the Back Bay Community Association regarding the Giant Remediation assessment process.
This e-mail from K. O'Reilly described participant funding provided by CEAA for the Gunnar Mine Site Rehabilitation Project in Saskatchewan.
This is correspondence from K. O'Reilly regarding participant funding for the Giant EA. It includes attachments providing an example from Nunavut.
This is a letter from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation regarding meetings about the Giant remediation. It is a response to the INAC letter of March 29th, 2010.
This letter describes Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's workplan for activities at the Giant Mine site for the summer of 2010.
This is a letter from INAC to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation announcing project information sessions in Yellowknife.
This is a letter from INAC to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation requesting a meeting.
This is a letter and proposal from the University fo Winnipeg and the Faculty of Law at UBC. It describes work that is being conducted (with outside funding) to examine different types of independent oversight agencies for consideration in the Giant Mine EA.
Until February 19th 2010, all contact regarding this environmental assessment should be directed to Nicole Spencer, Environmental Assessment Officer (Tel: (867) 766-7062; ).
This is INAC's reply to the Dec. 8, 2009 letter from MLA Bob Bromley.
This is the Yellowknives Dene First Nation's response to the request from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for a meeting regarding concerns and consultation initatives.
This is a request from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for a meeting with the Yellowknives Dene First Nation regarding concerns and consultation initatives.
This is a letter from MLA Bob Bromley to INAC Minister Chuck Strahl.
This document contains an e-mail from Kevin O'Reilly (and attached letters from the Yellowknives Dene, City of Yellowknife and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) regarding funding for independent oversight of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's proposed remediation of the GIANT mine. This file is an addendum to the November 9th, 2009 letter from Kevin O'Reilly.
This is an e-mail from K. O'Reilly with an attachment from the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board to INAC. Both pertain to authorizations for the current freeze optimization study being conducted at the Giant mine site. (Note that the activities currently occurring at at the Giant mine site are not included in the scope of the development for the environmental assessment)
This is a letter from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, the City of Yellowknife and K. O'Reilly to INAC regarding funding for participation in the current environmental assessment.
This is an e-mail from K. O'Reilly regarding a discharge of arsenic dust that occurred during the current freeze optimization study. Attached is a departmental statement from INAC about the incident. (Note that the activities currently occurring at at the Giant mine site are not included in the scope of the development for the environmental assessment)
This e-mail pertains to current activities that are part of the freeze optimization study. Note that the activities currently occurring at at the Giant mine site are not included in the scope of the development for the environmental assessment.
CV of Oboni Riskope Associates expert that the Review Board has selected to assist it in the Giant Mine Remediation Plan EA.
CV of Dr. Jerome Nriagu, an expert that the Review Board has selected to assist it in the Giant Mine Remediation Plan EA.
CVs of BGC Engineering Inc. experts that the Review Board has selected to assist it in the Giant Mine Remediation Plan EA.
This notification advises the distribution list of expert advisors that have been retained by the Review Board, or that the Review Board intends to retain, for the provision of advisory services in the environmental assessment of the Giant Mine Remediatio
Letter from Indian and Northern Affairs to support and encourage the experts and the Board to raise any unresolved issues or questions for party comment if they arise in the future. INAC was referring to the fact that the experts were not in attendance at
This is a response to Indian and Northern Affairs letter of Jan 21, 2009 and clarifies the Reveiw Board's approach to hiring outside, independent expert advisors to assist the Review Board during EAs.
Comments from Indian and Northern Affairs regarding the retention of experts in the Giant Mine Environmental Assessment. This is a letter clarifying INAC's concerns with the Review Board's recent Request for Proposals. A letter of concern was submitted by
Letter from Indian and Northern Affairs to the Review Board regarding posting additional material on the Public Registry, specifically for the Giant Mine Remediation EA.
On november 20, 2008, Request for Proposals were issued for expert services regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Environmental Assessment.
This email exchange is in regards to a delay in posting certain registry items.
Letter from the NWT Mining Heritage Society regarding heritage buildings and materials. This letter details various interests that the Mining Heritage Society holds at the Giant Mine site. This includes buildings, equipment and a potential transfer of l
This letter deals with concerns related to training and education for northerners that includes a basic understanding of contaminated sites and the impacts of large-scale development.
Adopted council minutes from the March 18, 2008 Special Meeting of the City of Yellowknife to consider whether to refer the Giant Mine Remediation Project to environmetnal assessment. Includes resolution to refer the development to EA. Placed on the pu
Giant Mine Underground Arsenic Trioxide Management Alternatives. May 2003 Workshop Summary Report written for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
A comprehensive list of 86 documents held at the Giant Mine Remediation Team's physical public registry in the Precambrian Building.Completed during the planning stages for the GMRP.
A water quality study from 1985 that examines arsenic levels in Back Bay, near Yellowknife, NT. This study was requested by the North Slave Metis Alliance and provided to MVEIRB by the developer. The document is too large to put on the registry. Please contact MVEIRB if you wish to obtain a copy.
Email from North Slave Metis Alliance requesting documents. Includes Environmental Assessment Officer's forward to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada requesting that the documents be provided to Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board.