Cameron Hills Extension Project - EA03-005
Document List
Letter from Northwest Territory Metis Nation to the Review Board concerning a review of the plain language summary "Air QUality Report" for EA 0304-005-Paramount Resources. It is a request from the NWTMN to INAC to attend a meeting to provide more reasonable explanation of the report.
Letter states that the Board should consider the technical report from the Fort Providence Resource Management Board as FPMC's technical submission for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Comments related to the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Guidelines for appropriate consultation with the Dehcho First Nations by government, industry and other sectors. Submitted by Fort Providence Metis Council and Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills
Letter from MVEIRB to Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs re: Report of Environmental Assessment
Letter states a correction to the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter informs the Board of a possible conflict with the Dehcho Leadership Meeting and requests a date change for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter details proposed modifications from the National Energy Board to recommendations made by the MVEIRB in the REA for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources comments on the REA for their Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter clarifies the role of Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation in consultations related to the decision-making process post-Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter informs that the Minister will initiate consultations related to the decision-making process post-Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter is in response to correspondance from Paramount Resources to the Minister regarding the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter asserts that the Dehcho First Nations should be included in any consultations related to the decision-making process post-Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter is in response to correspondance from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producer's to the Minister regarding Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter is in response to correspondance from the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producer's to the Minister regarding Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter asserts that the Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation should be included in any consultations related to the decision-making process post-Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Additional response to information request 1.2.1 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to second round information request 1.2.71 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to additional information requests 1.2.136 and 1.2.137 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter explains why INAC has not responded to information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Additional response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation requests that the board provide written reasons for not issuing certain information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project. Also, a second letter to various agencies to dir
Requests that the board provide written reasons for not issuing two proposed information requests during the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter from Fort Providence Metis Council to regulatory agencies re: Cameron Hills Extension project
Letter states that the Council has decided to independently issue information requests to various regulatory agencies in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
INAC requests a letter regarding the last revised measures.
MVEIRB sends a copy of the correspondence from MVEIRB advising on the results of the Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension Project, Report of Environmental Assement (EA03-005) "Consult to Modity" Process.
Letter explaining the recommendation to INAC and NEB from the consult to modify process and containing the letter set to both NEB and INAC.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the first round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
The KTFN requests rulings on two issues from the Board in the environmental assessment of Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Correspondance related to requests for rulings considered by the MVEIRB during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Board reasons for decision on requests for ruling presented during the Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Documents related to requests for rulings considered by the MVEIRB during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Documents related to requests for rulings considered by the MVEIRB during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Documents related to requests for rulings considered by the MVEIRB during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Correspondance from MVEIRB related to requests for rulings considered during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Correspondance from MVEIRB related to requests for rulings during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Correspondance related to requests for rulings considered by the MVEIRB during the Cameron Hills Extension project.
Request for extension to Information Request period for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Reports from 2001/02 and 2002/03, submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to Fisheries and Oceans Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to Deh Gah Got'ie First Nation/Fort Providence Resources Management Board's Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to Environment Canada Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to GNWT, Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to K'atlodeeche Tu First Nation Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources responds to Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation Technical Report submitted in the environmental assessment of the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Shows buffer zones around facilities and linear disturbances in the Cameron Hills area, South Slave region. Map submitted by Paramount Resources.
Shows corridor density in and around the significant discovery area at Cameron Hills. Submitted by Paramount Resources.
Paramount Resources' presentation regarding the cumulative effects of their past, current and future planned developments at Cameron Hills, South Slave region.
Resumes for the witnesses presented at the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Notes on Paramount Resources' presentation at the public hearing for the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Signature sheet confirming delivery of information request responses to affected First Nations in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project.
Response to additional information requests from GNWT/Environment Canada for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.18 to 1.2.40.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.41 to 1.2.70.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.71 to 1.2.98.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.99 to 1.2.118.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.119 to 1.2.130.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.1 to 1.2.17.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Informs parties that Environment Canada has requested an extension for the submission of their technical report submission for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Includes a schedule of important dates for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Package includes a draft agenda for the pre-hearing conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region, an attendence form, and pre-hearing conference worksheets.
Intended as an aid for party's preparation for the Pre-Hearing Conference in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
MVEIRB response to Dehcho First Nations regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
MVEIRB grants extension for submission dates in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension Project, Dehcho region.
Two information requests that were not previously issued in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Information requests issued by MVEIRB in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Information requests issued by MVEIRB in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
People attending the community meeting held at Kakisa for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Notes for community meeting held at Kakisa for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Further communication between MVEIRB and INAC regarding proposed modification to R-16
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter confirms dates for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter informs the Review Board of a possible conflict with the Dehcho Leadership Meeting and requests a date change for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
A list of attendees and the Pre-Hearing Conference Guide in preparation for the pre-hearing conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region
This is a Notice of Application filed by Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation to sue the Attorney General of Canada and Paramount Resources, arising in part from the federal response to the Environmental Assessment of the developer's Cameron Hills Extension project,
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
The Board offers to meet the KTFN to discuss modifications to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
A letter from Ka Gee Tu legal to Indian and Northern Affairs regarding consultation in consult to modify period
A letter from Mandell Pinder to Indian and Northern Affairs regarding disappointment with NEB final acceptance of proposed modifications.
Accepted modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Letter from Mandell Pinder to Indian and Northern Affiars, march 24th
A final version of modifications to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region, submitted to National Energy Board and Indian and Northern Affairs for comment.
After review of comments, the Board requests a meeting to further discuss modifications to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Response to the Board's questions regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
A response to the Board regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Mandell Pinder and KA'A'GEE TU FIRST NATION to INDIAN AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS RE proposed modifications
A letter from Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation legal representatives about National Energy Board's proposed modifications to MVEIRB recommendations relating to Cameron Hills extension project.
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Regarding modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Letter requests that the Board set aside leave granted to Percy Hardisty to allow him to continue his participation in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension, Dehcho region.
Letter from the MVEIRB to the NEB regarding clarification on proposed modifications of recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Letter from MVEIRB to Indian and Northern Affairs regarding clarification on proposed changes to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
The Board requests final comments on proposed modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Explains, provides legislative framework for and initiates the consult to modify process for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Regarding modifications to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
INAC provides modifications to the recommended measures put forward in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Cover letter for documents related to modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
For recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Modifications from the NEB to recommended measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Response from developer to all comments regarding proposed modifications to the recommendations of the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Comments regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Comments regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Comments regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Comments on correspondance from the NEB regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Comments on correspondance from the NEB regarding Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Email confirms Alberta's regulatory interest in the Cameron Hills Extension project and associated activities.
Letter confirms attendence of the party at the Pre-Hearing Conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Report authored on behalf of the BC Oil and Gas Commission. Submitted for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. This a large document that will reguire a few moments to download.
Map of existing landscape fragmentation at Cameron Hills, South Slave region. Submitted for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project.
For Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
This item is on CD in the public registry. Contact MVEIRB for a copy of this material.
Letter outlines the decision to refer the Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region, to environmental assessment.
Letter from INAC to Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation notifying the FN that INAC will not be referring Paramount's proposed 6 well drilling program to environmental assessment
Interim Resource Development Agreement between Deh Cho First Nations, Government of Canada and GNWT
NEB's response to MVEIRB's proposed wording for recommended measure 4.
Paramountƒ_Ts submission of amendments to their applications for LUP and WL
Letter from MVEIRB to Paramount Resources notifying them that the Cameron Hills Extension project has been referred to Environmental Assessment.
MVEIRB Public Notice: Cameron Hills Expansion referred to Environmental Assessment sent to Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills distribution List.
Letter from MVLWB to Vern Christensen (MVEIRB): Notice of Referral to Environmental Assessment with the Preliminary screening report and reasons for decision.
Email from Paramount to Martin Haefele (MVEIRB) with Paramount's potential 10 Cameron Hills plan and a summary of the projects current status.
Letter from Environment Canada to MVEIRB outlining any concerns and or comments they have about the draft terms of reference.
Communication between Ka'a'gee tue and MVEIRB requesting meeting between KTFN and MVEIRB in Kakisa.
MVEIRB's response to KTFN's request for public hearings in Kakisa.
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans comments on the Draft Terms of Reference.
Paramount Resources comments and concerns related to the Draft terms and references for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension Project.
Notice from MVEIRB to Distribution List - Deadline for Comments on Draft Terms of Reference extended
MVEIRB alerting the distribution list for the Cameron Hills Extension Project the deadline for comments on the draft Terms of Reference has been extended.
REWD's comments on the draft Terms of Reference for the Paramount Resources, Cameron Hills Expansion Project.
Ka'a'Gee Tu First Nation's comments of the draft Terms of Reference.
Deh Gah Got'ie Dene Council is requesting a one day extension on the submission deadline for comments on the draft Terms of Reference
Deh Gah Got'ie Dene Council's response to the comments on the Draft Terms of Reference, their interest in joining the distribution list as an effected community and a copy of comments made by all parties on the draft Terms of Reference.
Paramount makes a public notice of its information session and attaches a draft agenda of the Technical session on the cumulative effects of the Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension Project.
Paramount Resources cumulative effects paper discussing the scope and effects of the Proposed Cameron Hills Extension Project.
KTFN are unable to attend the technical sessions at the MVEIRB office in YK due to short notice and tight schedule. NWTMN respond to the last minute notification about a Technical Session in Yellowknife at the MVEIRB Offices
MVEIRB sends a copy of the Final Terms of Reference and Work Plan for the Cameron Hills Extension Project to the distribution list.
Clarifying the purpose of the discussion paper the issued prior to the Technical Session and their reasons for booking the Technical session at such short notice.
Discussing the possibility of changing the date and location of the Technical session to just outside Kakisa
Draft presentation on Cumulative Effects Assessment, Discussion Paper for the Paramount Cameron Hills Project.
Fax from MVEIRB to KTFN : MVEIRB plans to have a public hearing in Kakisa but no date has been set as of yet.
Paramount Responds to NWTMN's claims of lacking community consultation.
NWTMN Respond to Paramount's letter on August 8, 2003 claiming that they are only an interested party and would only be consulted as such.
To the Distribution List - Notes from August 13 information session.
Fax from MVEIRB to Fort Providence Metis Local 57 informing them of their addition to the Distribution list.
Gavin More submits RWED's corrections to the information session notes.
Letter accompanied a CD copy of Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Cumulative Effects Assessment, Developers Assessment Report.
Letter from MVEIRB to the distribution list ensuring that they have all received the DAR and a form to define Environmental Assessment roles of all parties.
MVLWB's response to KTFN's invitation to meet.
Joe Acorn questions the short notice of the site visit.
Fax to the distribution list announcing that Paramountƒ_Ts DAR is in conformity with the final TOR.
Notes from the visit to the Cameron Hills Extension site. Sent by MVEIRB to the distribution list.
Graham Veale points out that there is in fact a need for a large compressor on site.
Email: MVEIRB reminds all parties who want to actively participate in the Environmental Assessment that they must complete and return the attached form.
Cover letter that accompanied a copy of Paramount's DAR to Fort Providence Resource Management Board
All completed forms for Identification of Environmental Assessment Roles.
Telecon with Joe Acorn, Advisor to Deh Cho First Nations and Deh Cho Communities. In this conference Joe clarified the role DCFN will play as a party to the Paramount EA.
MVEIRB adds 2 additional Information Requests and attaches a list of all affected parties.
Letter from Paramount Resources Ltd. responding to the request for 6 additional DAR binders.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada respond to the MVEIRB's information request #1.1.27 and # for the Paramount Cameron Hills Extension Environmental Assessment (EA03-005)
MVEIRB is now providing directly affected parties and interveners with the opportunity to identify any Information Requests they deem necessary.
KTFN request that MVEIRB extend its IR deadline from December 5 to December 12, 2003.
Mandell Pinder Barristers and Solicitors writing on behalf of the KTFN, requests an extension on the due date for IRs.
Letter from MVLWB requesting comments on the LUP and WL amendment applications.
Attached are the Issuance Letters and the Conditions
All responses to the KTFN request for ruling are in this document.
This letter advises the interested parties of the boardƒ_Ts decision not to remove the chair and states that all reasons for the decision will be forth coming
Public Notice for the Environmental Assessment of Paramount resources and the public meeting to be held in Hay River.
Joe Acorn allerting MVEIRB that Shirley Maaskant had planned a private meeting with Todd Burlingame.
In response to IR 1.2.103 Paramount has submitted a copy of their noise monitoring report.
Notification that Paramount's IR responses have been posted on the public registry.
Letter from MVEIRB to KTFN expressing their wish to have a community meeting in Kakisa.
Reply from MVEIRB to KTFN regarding the possible conflicts with Regional Deh Cho leadership meetings and rescheduling the public hearing dates
Addition of 5 information requests to Paramount Resources, based on submissions from the GNWT and Environment Canada
Environment Canada asks MVEIRB for an extension on the due date for Technical analysis reports
Pre-Hearing Conference held for the Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension Project at 2:00 pm on Monday, February 2, 2004.
Completed pre-hearing participation form - K'Atlodeeche First Nation - Participating Via Teleconference
INAC and INAC South Slave's Completed Pre-Hearing Participation forms
Paramount Resources Ltd. Returning its completed pre-hearing conference worksheet.
Fax - MVEIRB forwards a copy of all the completed pre-hearing conference worksheets to Paramount.
Fax. MVEIRB forwards a Draft agenda for the pre-hearing conference to the distribution list and Paramount Resources Ltd
List of all parties participating in the pre-hearing conference
Letter- Joe Acorn Re: Latter from Fraiser Fairman to Albert Lafferty. He explains the procedures for IR's and questions INAC not answering Fort Providence's IR.
Paramountƒ_Ts response to the Fort Providence MActis Council's inquiries about the responses to their IR's.
Public Notice of the deadline for submissions to the Paramount - Cameron Hills Extension Public Registry
Communication regarding Fort Providence MActis Council's IRs and the NEB's refusal to answer the questions.
Listing the duration of the FPMC presentation for the Public Hearing
Communications regarding MVLWB's refusal to answer FPMC and KTFN's Information Requests
Email: MVEIRB requests that KTFN submit their presentation material as soon as possible.
The speakerƒ_Ts agenda for the Katlodeeche at the Hay River Public Hearing
A list of questions the KTFN and the FPMC have for the MVEIRB and the Public hearing in Kakisa
Northern Benefits Requirements Associated with New Exploration Programs
List of all parties participating in the Paramount Resources, Cameron Hills Extension project Public Hearing, Hay River
Communication between Environment Canada and MVEIRB requesting unlocked versions of the input files provided.
Email for Paramount forwarding its questions for the GNWT's biologists.
Interim Measures Agreement between Deh Cho First Nations, the Government of Canada and the GNWT
Communication between MVEIRB and Paramount Resources discussing the pre-hearing conference and submissions of technical reports.
Email from MVEIRB to Jason McNeil confirming that the requested portion of his submission would be removed from the public record and placed under confidential cover.
Email containing the answers to questions he was unable to answer at the public hearing.
Some suggested changes to the Notes from the Comunity Meeting in Kakisa
Environment and Conservation, Renewable Resources and Environment submit a copy of the question asked at the public hearing and INAC's responses.
DCFN would express their support for the KTFN, expressing that the Cameron Hills project will have significant negative impacts.
RWED Letter to MEVIRB requesting that parts of their submitted Spills Working Agreement and Spill Line Contractor Procedures be removed from the Public Record.
MVEIRB will remove the requested sections of RWED's submissions and place them under confidential cover.
Letters from MVEIRB to NEB, Paramount Resources and the Minister of INAC, announcing the submission of the Cameron Hills REA.
Copy of a letter from CAPP to the newly appointed minister of INAC.
Email requesting that KTFN's response to Paramount's June 14th Letter be posted on the Public Registry.
Paramount is requesting a 2 year extension on their current Land Use Permit and Water License.
Email asking what is happening with INAC's request for consultation with the board
RWED requesting comments from NEB on its Draft of Proposed Conditions and Proposed Modifications to the Recommendations.
Email asking about community submissions on the NEB draft modifications
Email inquiring about the Mandell Pinder submission and weather or not it would be distributed.
Asking if MVEIRB will be releasing directions on procedure to the communities
Joe Acorns concerns regarding the scheduling of a consultation meeting prior to MVEIRB providing the communities with directions on procedures.
Email asking what procedures the board will be following during the NEB consult to modify
Email inquiring into the status of the NEB and INAC consult to modify process and the location of the requested directions of procedure for the consult to modify process.
National Energy Boards reasons for alteration of the proposed Modification to the recommended measures
Letter informs INAC that MVEIRB has received their proposed modifications to the boards Report of Environmental Assessment and requesting clarification on a number of different points.
Email that accompanied a submission by the KTFN the letter also requested how and when the board would respond to the letter.
Letter regarding MVEIRB's request for clarification on the NEB's proposed modifications to the recommended measures.
NEB's reply to MVEIRB's request to have them at a meeting to discuss proposed modifications to measures in the report of EA.
MVEIRB's questions and comments: Pre-consult to modify - EA03-005
Re: MVEIRB's revised questions and comments: Pre-consult to modify - EA03-005
Re: Proposed changes to Recommendations: EA03-005. This letter contains a draft of all proposed changes to the report during consultation.
NEB approves the MVERIB's revisions of the proposed modifications that were discussed during the consult to modify meeting.
Tamaram Hamilton (INAC) informs MVEIRB that the Responsible Ministers hope to have final comments no the measures discussed January 24, 2005 by January 24, 2005.
MVEIRB informs NEB of how they will handle and when they will adress the additional modifications to the report of EA and requesting clarification on NEB's motive for this change.
INAC thanks MVEIRB for the summary of the consult to modify meeting and provides some comments and revisions to the review board on its report of EA
Notification that the GNWT has provided MVEIRB with the requested information concerning caribou.
Responsible Ministers suggestions and comments on revision 13 and 16.
NEB requests that while Paramount is required to submit raw air data, the public should only have access to the analyzed data in reports and not the raw data itself.
Email informing NEB and INAC of MVEIRB's proposed changes to EA03-005.
INAC informs MVEIRB that the responsible minister has reviewed their proposed changes to the EA
NEB accepts proposed changes to Paramount EA03-005
The Responsible Minister accepts the revised wording of R-16
Paramount expresses concerns that delays in the regulatory process might cause no work to occur during winter 2004/05 and requests the expedient completion of the regulatory process.
Andy Scott explains the consult to modify process to Louise Mandell.
Letter regarding Deh Cho First Nations concerns with the MVEIRB reasons for decision on the Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension.
MVEIRB forwards a letter from the Minister of INAC announcing the closure and approval of the Paramount EA
KTFN requests information from MVLWB about their permitting process and informs them of their intent to use legal action to block the approval of the Cameron Hills Extension.
MVLWB explains to Paramount that their amended application will be considered at the next board meeting and staff will contact Paramount with the decision.
MVLWB requests DIAND's decision so it can make a decision regarding Paramountƒ_Ts amended application.
Notification that the KTFN have filed an application in the Federal Court, seeking judicial review of the Responsible Ministers decision to adopt modified recommendations.
Informing the KTFN why the amended application for Paramount Resources Ltd. was not refered to EA
MVLWB grants Paramount Resources LUP applications (MV2005A0030)
The Board responds to questions regarding certain proposed information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
with the exception of IR 27 that is directed to INAC, DFO, Environment Canada and GNWT-RWED.
This decision by the MVLWB involves sites included under the Paramount EA03-005.
Paramountƒ_Ts Annual Report 2004/2005
The Board responds to questions regarding certain proposed information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.