Giant Mine Remediation Project - EA0809-001
Document List - Technical or community sessions
This is a report of a workshop (similar to a Review Board technical session) held by the Giant team prior to technical report preperation. It was held on June 27th and 28th 2012.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
The following document was a presentation by the Giant Mine Remediation Team at a June 2012 workshop for the Giant Mine Remediation Project.
This is an email from Kevin O'Reilly to Adrian Paradis on May 4 2012 regarding notification of upcoming information sessions for the Giant Mine Project.
This is an email dated May 1 2012 from Kevin O'Reilly to Adrian Paradis regarding planned technical sessions for Giant MIne Project.
This is a request from NSMA for extension of hearing notification for the Giant Mine Environmental Assessment.
This is a preliminary design report of the City of Yellowknife's new solid waste facility, submitted as technica session Undertaking #6.
This is a cover letter for the undertakings from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions.
This document is Undertaking #12 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #11 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #10 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #8 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #7 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #5 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #3 and #9 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is Undertaking #2 and #4 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is part (c) of Undertaking #1 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is part (b) of Undertaking #1 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This document is part (a) of Undertaking #1 from the Giant Mine Technical Sessions held on October 17 to 21,2011.
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for ammonia, provided to the YKDFN by the Giant team at the technical session on Oct. 18, 2011.
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for Dynalene HC, provided to the YKDFN by the Giant team at the technical session on Oct. 18, 2011.
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for Dupont SUVA, provided to the YKDFN by the Giant team at the technical session on Oct. 18, 2011.
This document describes volumes of waste at the roaster complex, and includes pictures. It has been submitted by the Giant team as part 2 of undertaking #7 from the techical sessions.
This is a Feb. 2003 report titled "An Examination of Arsenic Contamination in the Roaster and Gas Handling Complex at the Giant Mill". It has been submitted by the Giant team as part of undertaking #7 from the techical sessions.
This is the transcript of the October 21st 2011 technical session for the Giant EA.
This is the transcript of the October 19th 2011 technical session for the Giant EA.
This is the transcript of the October 19th 2011 technical session for the Giant EA.
This is the transcript of the October 18th 2011 technical session for the Giant EA.
This is the transcript of the October 17th 2011 technical session for the Giant EA.
The following document is AANDC's Long Term Monitoring Evaluation & Management presentation for Day 5 of the Review Board's technical sessions for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.
The following document is AANDC's Risk Assessment presentation for Day 4 of the Review Board's technical sessions for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.
The following document is AANDC's Baker Creek presentation for Day 2 of the Review Board's technical sessions for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.
The following document is AANDC's FReeze and Undergound presentation for Day 1 of the Review Board's technical sessions for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.
The following document is AANDC's Surface Remediation presentation for Day 3 of the Review Board's technical sessions for the Giant Mine Remediation Project Environmental Assessment.
This Note to File tells parties that the Oct. 17-21 technical session venue has changed to the Champagne Room in Yellowknife.
This letter provides parties with an introduction to the upcoming techncial sessions for the Giant Mine EA.
This is the agenda for the technical session for the Gaint Mine EA, to be held at the Champagne Room in Yellowknife Oct. 17th to 21st, 2011
This is a Note to File on a recent discussions with AANDC about techncial session planning. It includes an e-mail correspondence between parties.
Reclamation Plan to permanently mitigate the historic tailings at Jo-Jo Lake in response to the May 2011 tailings spill (NT Spill 11-159)
This is a letter to up-date Review Board and parties of the assessment regarding the up-coming technical session for the Giant Mine EA.