Jay Project - EA1314-01

Document List

Displaying 774 documents.
410.19 KB

2023 Annual Report of EA measures submitted by Burgundy Diamond Mines

496.79 KB

Arctic Diamond - 2022 Annual Report on EA measures. Requirement of measure 13-3 of the Report of Environmental Assessment.

7.55 MB

Measure 13-3 Report of EA

2.89 MB

Dust Suppression Pilot Study Report submitted by Dominion Diamond in fulfillment of measure 6-2(a) Jay Project Report of EA

3.34 MB

2018 Annual Report of Report of EA measures implementation submitted by GNWT

5.12 MB

2018 Annual Report of Report of EA measures implementation submitted by Dominion Diamonds.

248.71 KB

Review Board letter to GNWT re 2017 annual measures reporting

249.16 KB

Letter from Review Board to Dominion Diamond re annual measures reporting

17.93 MB

Part 2 of the Summary reports and posters from the Traditional Knowledge-based Caribou Monitoring and Mitigation Reporting for the Jay Project (from Measure 6-5)

36.21 MB

Part 1 of the Summary reports and posters from the Traditional Knowledge-based Caribou Monitoring and Mitigation Reporting for the Jay Project (from Measure 6-5)

1.13 MB

2017 Annual Reporting of measures implementation from Report of EA submitted by Minister GNWT

4.21 MB

2017 Annual Report of measures implementation from Report of EA submitted by Dominion Diamond

666.91 KB

This document is submitted by GNWT in accordance with measure 13-4 from the Report of EA.

1.04 MB

This document is submitted by GNWT in accordance with measure 13-4 from the Report of EA.

993.73 KB

This document is submitted by Dominion in response to measure 8-2 as part of annual reporting..

612.41 KB

This document is submitted by GNWT in accordance with measure 13-4 from the Report of EA.

557.98 KB

This document is submitted by Dominion Diamond as part of annual reporting of measures from the Report of EA.

5.24 MB

This is the 2017 Annual Report of EA measures from Dominion Diamond. It is submitted in response to measrue 13-3 from the Report of EA..

378.42 KB

This is GNWT's response to measure 6-4, dustfall standard, from the Report of EA.

9.54 MB

This docuemnt submitted by GNWT approves the DDEC WEMP, measure 6-1 from the REport of EA.

3.8 MB

This is the response from GNWT to measure 6-3 from the Report of EA.

473.53 KB

Thkis is the Caribou Offset and Mitigation Plan, measure 6-2a from the Jay Report of EA submitted by Dominion Diamond.

503.24 KB

This is the response from Dominion Diamond to measure 7-1 from the Jay Project Report of EA regarding a Traditional Knowledge Framework.

8.12 MB

This is the response from Dominion Diamond to measrue 6-5 from the Jay Project Report of EA regarding a Traditioinal Knoiwledge Elders Group.

318.21 KB

This is the response from GNWT-ENR to measure 6-6 from the Jay Project Report of EA regarding timely completion of caribou management plans.

1.2 MB

A report in support of GNWT's responsibilities under measure 6-2(b)

866.02 KB

A report in support of GNWT's responsibilities for measure 6-2(b) regarding evaluating the effectiveness of Dominion's caribou offsetting projects.

161.18 KB

GNWT's cover letter for its response to measure 6-2(b) regarding evaluating the effectiveness of Dominion's caribou offset projects.

4.7 MB

Community newsletter Fall 2017 submitted by Dominion Diamond

2.75 MB

This is the Alternative Energy Concept Study submitted by Dominion Diamond in response to commitment #52 from the Jay Project Report of EA.

421.05 KB

This document is an update on the status of measures from the Jay Report of EA submitted by Dominion Diamond

5.47 MB

This is a submission from Dominion Diamonds regarding activities to fulfill measure 4-4 of the Report of EA.

145.11 KB

This is a letter to WLWB from the MVRB re clarification of text in Measure 4-4 in Appendix A of the Report of Environmental Assessment

36.23 KB

This is an email from GNWT confirming responses to Jay REA from Aboriginal governments and organizations

296.62 KB

This is the presentation on Report of EA measures and suggestions given to parties by Review Board staff on March 24, 2016.

404.11 KB

This note to file advises of a meeting between Board staff and GNWT regarding Jay project measures directed at GNWT.

129.15 KB

The presentation on the Jay REA has been changed to Thursday March 24th, 2016.

882.01 KB

This is a letter to Minister McLeod regarding rectification of a clerical error in the Jay Project Report of EA.

4.36 MB

Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada letters of extension to advise on the Jay project REA to Aboriginal Governments.

6.26 MB

Jay Project Report of EA with clerical error to measure 13-4 rectified. In addition, errors corrected in measure 4-4 Appendix A and suggestions in Section 5 as described in 15_Aug16 letter.

320.67 KB

Letters from the Government of Canada (NPMO) requesting comments on the Jay Report of EA from Aboriginal groups.

541.17 KB

Cover letter from Chair of MVEIRB to Minister of Lands GNWT.

867.45 KB

GNWT letter in response to Mr. Henry Zoe's question regarding participant funding

145.48 KB

Review Board information request to Dominion

597.35 KB

This note to file identifies homework items from the public hearings and requests responses to these questions by September 30.

827.91 KB

Updated commitments table for the Jay project with request for comments from parties and the developer

73.28 KB

Public Comments from Yellowknife City Counsellor Cory Vanthuyne

31.65 KB

Comments from Yellowknife City Counsellor Dan Wong

71.26 KB

Undertakings from Day 3-Aquatics of the Jay project public hearing

301.04 KB

Undertakings from Day 2-Caribou of the Jay project public hearings

748.59 KB

Post- technical report response update to Jay project commitment table

73.62 KB

Jay Project commitments and undertakings from September 14th

131.96 KB

TIme limits for party presentations at the Jay public hearing in Yellowknife

27.13 KB

This is a letter from AANDC to MVEIRB in response to the September 3 letterr regarding past measures from EAs.

444.3 KB

This is a letter from the GNWT ENR to the Review Board regarding the 2015 Bathurst Caribou Herd survey results.

1.81 MB

the excel file attached to the IEMA correspondence for the late submission to the record

593.41 KB

Letter regarding a meeting between the YKDFN and the GNWT

558.44 KB

Letter regarding a meeting between the LKDFN and the GNWT

971 KB

Letter from the GNWT to the MVIERB regarding government represenation at community hearings

546.81 KB

Letter from the GNWT to the MVEIRB regarding government commitments

997.07 KB

Dominion Diamond's presentation for Day 3 of the Yellowknife public hearings

359.01 KB

Dominion Diamond's presentation for day 2 of the Yellowknife public hearing

1.77 MB

Dominion Diamond's presentation for Day 1 of the Yellowknife public hearings

2.63 MB

Dominion Diamond's presentation for community hearings in Behchoko, Lutsel K'e and Kugluktuk

1.01 MB

This document is submitted by the GNWT.

805.8 KB

This document is submitted by the GNWT.

338.02 KB

This document is submitted by the WRRB.

4.52 MB

This document is submitted by the WRRB.

4.72 MB

This document is submitted by the WRRB.

1.63 MB

This document is submitted by the WRRB.

282.26 KB

Letter from Dominion Diamond regarding the YKDFN traditional knowledge report

417.49 KB

Letter from the GNWT regarding the YKDFN traditional knowledge report

121.47 KB

explanation of the process for the late submission of community presentations by KIA and LKDFN

142.96 KB

description of the rules of procedure for submitting new evidence prior to the public hearing

2.87 MB

The GNWT and NSMA met on August 17 and 20, 2015. This document includes the meeting minutes and a report titled, North Slave Metis Alliance Socio-Economic Baselne Report.

1.82 MB

This document is submitted by the GNWT.

375.97 KB

1.25 MB

358.96 KB

This is a letter to GNWT requesting up to date information on the Bathurst caribou herd.

802.73 KB

1.04 MB

Public hearing presentation.

306.96 KB

This note accepts the YKDFN TK Report for the public record and asks parties and the developer to comment with a due date of August 28

194.22 KB

DDMI presentation for Day 3 (Water) of Jay public hearings

185.88 KB

DDMI presentation for Day 2 (Caribou) of the Jay public hearings

1.43 MB

This document is submitted to the Review Board by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.

98.81 KB

this is a response email from GNWT re the barren ground caribou survey

305.56 KB

This note asks parties if they have concerns with the acceptance of a traditinal knowledge report for the MVEIRB public record.

36.15 KB

This is an email copied to the Review Board regarding the barren ground caribou survey.

22.48 KB

This is an email regarding the timing of the public comment period portion of the Jay Project hearings in Yellowknife.

3.71 MB

This is a reference for the NSMA technical report.

94.66 KB

Comments from Government of Canada on the draft July 9 commitments table.

562.16 KB

Letter to all parties and the developer regarding the late submission of DKFN's technical intervention

65.79 KB

Jay project Yellowknife public hearing participant planning table. To be filled out by parties and returned to the Review Board by September 24th, 2015.

99.82 KB

Second draft of the Jay project public hearing agendas

158.18 KB

Pre-hearing conference summary notes with correction of AANDC participation

955.24 KB

Letter from the GNWT to MVEIRB regarding commitments table

539.77 KB

Air Quality Workshop Minutes- July 20, 2015.

317.22 KB

This Note to File describes upcoming due dates prior to the public hearings.

444.15 KB

This is a Dominion response to a clarification requedst from the Review Board.

2.13 MB

Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management: A framework for sustainability submitted by GNWT. Presentation by GNWT at the 2013 ENR wildlife monitoring workshops (March 7-8, 2013).

2.68 MB

Tlicho Tech Report reference TK report for Diavik Soil and Lichen Program 07.11.2013

306.81 KB

This is the cover letter for Dominion Diamond's July 31 submissions.

549.66 KB

Draft public hearing agenda for discussion at the August 5 pre-hearing conference.

12.87 MB

This report is submitted by GNWT in support of its Technical Report.

2.01 MB

This document is submitted by GNWT iin support of its technical report.

320.31 KB

Due date for technical reports extended to August 3. Responses from Dominion extended to August 17.

262.2 KB

This is a letter from LKDFN requesting an extension to the technical report due date.

31.73 KB

This is a request from NSMA to the Review Baord re a due date extension for technical reports to August 3.

3.19 MB

This is a Dominion presentation from the July 20 workshop.

366.68 KB

Presentation from Air Quality workshop.

149.49 KB

Email from GNWT regarding threshold triggers shown at July 20 Air Quality workshop.

86.44 KB

This is a request for party status from the KIA.

847.42 KB

ERM Rescan (ERM Rescan Environmental Ltd.). 2014. Water Balance and Water Quality Modelling related to the Jay Project. Yellowknife, NT, Canada: ERM Rescan. DAR reference document.

571.07 KB

This document contains information request responses and engagement plans submitted by Dominion.

228.52 KB

This document is submitted by GNWT in support of its Technical Report.

373.81 KB

This is the Jay Project Work Plan updated on July 22, 2015.

78.94 KB

This is a letter from the AANDC Minister re KIA request for a review by the Nunavut Impact Review Board.

494.94 KB

This is the Dominion presentation shown at the July 20 teleconference with Dominion, GNWT and Review Board staff.

1.2 MB

This document is submitted by GNWT in support of its Technical Report.

100.52 KB

This document is submitted by GNWT in support of its Technical Report.

355.21 KB

This document is submitted by GNWT in support of its Technical Report.

327.06 KB

This is the agenda for the Jay Project Air Quality Management Plan workshop, July 20, 2015.

310 KB

This is a letter from the Review Board to Dominion Diamond re a technical session follow-up on industrial uses of water.

75.31 KB

This is an email from Diavik to the Review Board regarding assessment endpoints.

162.57 KB

email from Review Board staff to Dominion requesting a summary of the water balance data presented to date

1.14 MB

This is a presentation on hydrodynamic modelling from Dominion shown at its workshop on July 6.

7.35 MB

This is a presentation from Dominion shown at its July 6 workshop on water quality modelling.

154.85 KB

This is a letter from Dominion describing its engagement with GNWT on water quality modelling.

841.92 KB

This is a memo from Dominion regarding the water balance and water quality modeliing for Jay Project Koala watershed revised July 10, 2015

522.71 KB

Document transferred from ORS IR2 - GNWT attachment

505.83 KB

Document transferred from ORS - GNWT attachment

4.4 MB

Documents transferred from ORS IR2 - attachments

30.25 MB

Document transferred from ORS IR2 attachment

1.9 MB

Document transferred from ORS IR2 - IEMA attachment

6.18 MB

document transferred from ORS - GNWT attachment

15.83 MB

document transferred from ORS IRS - GNWT attachment

35.13 MB

document transferred from ORS for IR2, EC attachment

1.84 MB

Documents transferred from the ORS - IR2 phase

486.27 KB

Management plan workshop minutes from June 26.

644.35 KB

Workshop minutes from the June 25 WEMP and Caribou Roads Mitigation Plan workshop.

1.22 MB

This is the updated list of commitments for the Jay Project since submission of the DAR.

560.6 KB

This letter provides instructions for the preparation of technical reports (interventions).

37.5 KB

This is joint a letter from Dominion Diamond and GNWT to the Review Board regarding the Socio-Economic Agreement.

315.19 KB

IR2 responses document from Dominion Diamond.

152.04 KB

IR2 responses document fropm Dominion Diamond

414.35 KB

IR2 responses document from Dominion Diamond

36.47 MB

This document contains responses to second round IRs from Dominion Diamond.

300.45 KB

This Note to File advises that intervener staus applications for the Jay Project will be be sent out in July.

598.86 KB

Final agendas for Management Plan workshops, June 25 and 26.

766.63 KB

W2013D0006 - Ekati Lynx - Caribou Crossings Plan - Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board Directive and Reasons for Decision - Apr 27_15

1.62 MB

W2013D0006 - Ekati Lynx - Caribou Crossings Plan - Lynx Access Road - Design and Locations - Mar 20_15

611.79 KB

Minutes from Wildlife Road Mitigation Plan workshop - May 22, 2015

33 MB

Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan as referenced in DAR.

1.81 MB

This is the Caribou Road Mitigation Plan, Jay Project version 2, June 2015

324.01 KB

Workshop agenda for Caribou Road Mitigation Plan.

293.65 KB

Management Plan Workshop agenda

6.18 MB

This document is transferred from the WLWB public registry, Ekati Water Licence W2012L2-0001, as it is relevant to the Jay Project.

107.5 KB

This note to file lists second round IRs directed to parties other than the developer

92.44 KB

This is a cover letter from IEMA on the Second round of information requests. The IRs are found on the ORS.

69.18 KB

Meeting notes from the Wildlife Road Mitigation Plan Workshop held May 22.

4.3 MB

This correspondence documents meetings between GNWT and Dominion Diamond on hydrogeology modeling.

58.58 KB

This document contains air quality follow-up responses from the May 7 regulatory meeting.

48.16 KB

This is a record of a meeting between Dominion and air quality regulators.

3.06 MB

This is the Greenhouse Gas Strategy 2011-2015 submitted by GNWT.

764.46 KB

This is the cover letter from GNWT ITI for the Community and Diamonds Report.

2.32 MB

This is the Community and Diamonds annual report submitted by GNWT.

164.98 KB

This is the Socio-Economic Agreement for the Ekati Mine submitted by GNWT.

328.86 KB

This is the agenda for the Wildlife Road Mitigation Plan Workshop.

168.5 KB

BHP Environmental Agreement Implementation Protocol submitted by GNWT.

2.18 MB

This is the Environmental Agreement between Canada, GNWT and BHP Diamonds Inc. 1997 with 2003 Addendum. It is submitted by GNWT.

303.11 KB

Teleconference between Review Baord staff and Dominion on document submissions and next steps in the EA.

475.77 KB

This is is draft Commitments Table prepared by the Reviedw Board based on commitments made by Dominion Diamond during process steps after the DAR submission up to 15-05-2015.

110.97 KB

This is the CCME CWS for Mercury submitted by GNWT. It was referenced as a waste incineration standard.

41.13 KB

This is the CCME CWS for Dioxins and Furans submitted by GNWT. It was referenced for waste incineration standards and frequency of stack testing at the technical session.

4.85 MB

This is the Snap Lake AQEMMP submitted by GNWT. It was referenced as a template for Dominion to use to develop a similar adaptive management framework for air emissions.

36.92 KB

NIRB letter to Minister re consent required for transboundary review of Jay Project.

560.83 KB

KIA Letter to NIRB Re NLCA 12 11 1 transboundary review request for Jay Project

358.36 KB

This Note to File provides instructions on second round information requests.

123.99 KB

Tech session undertaking submitted by Dominion.

495.69 KB

Tech session undertaking submitted by Dominion.

400.67 KB

JKay Wildlife Road Mitigation Plan submitted by Dominion.

9.83 MB

Undertakings from technical session submitted by Dominion.

31.71 KB

Undertaking #17 from technical session, response from ENR, GNWT

32.45 KB

Technical Session undertaking #23, submitted by NPMO.

376.26 KB

This is the Work Plan for the Jay Project revised May 2015.

349.79 KB

This is the GNWT Cumulative Effects Assessment, Monitoring and Management Framework.

443.69 KB

This is a letter from GNWT to the MVEIRB regarding the Cumulative Effects Assessment, Monitoring and Management Framework.

383.48 KB

This is a letter from GNWT to the MVEIRB regarding the Ekati Diamond Mine Environmental Agreement and applicability to the Jay Project.

301.87 KB

Not to File on Dominion and board staff teleconference.

45.72 KB

Technical session homework #23.

464.32 KB

Technical session homework #20 submitted by Dominion.

79.12 KB

List of management plans with submission dates preoved by Dominion during the TEchnical Sessions

97.06 KB

Meeting summary between GNWT and Dominion on water modeling.

273.86 KB

Updated commitments list with minor modification to Undertaking #17

284.63 KB

Combined commitments list April 20-24, 2015.

340.37 KB

This is a map prepared by the Review Board and was shown during the technical sessions on April 21, 2015.

225.65 KB

List of homeowrk, commitments and undertakings from April 22 Jay technical session.

1016.78 KB

IEMA 2014 workshop presentation on dust supression. Submitted in response to request during technical session April 21.

227.7 KB

Tech session, homeowrk, commitments and undertakings

287.34 KB

Commitments and homework from April 20 tehcnical session.

150.08 KB

Letter from IEMA to DDEC re: bear and camera monitoring reports

435.92 KB

USE THIS FOR TECH SESSION - Excel table with Jay IRs from February 23 and responses from April 2015.

9 MB

This is the Diavik A21 Dike 2014 Design Report Update submitted by Dominion in respoinse to MVEIRB-IR-109 - April 10, 2015

493.86 KB

This is a revised agenda. Small changes have been made within agenda topics. Major topiecs for each day arre the same.

197.19 KB

Dominion responses to April 10 Board IRs

303.53 KB

This is a note to file regarding Board staff, Kate Mansfield

105.43 KB

CV for Tom Patterson, the Review Board's geochemistry technical advisor

185.86 KB

This is the resume for Bill Klassen, facilitator for the Jay Project Technical Session.

1.36 MB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

2.52 MB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

2.55 MB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

3.14 MB

This is the presentation for the technical session.

1.74 MB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

973.23 KB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

503.98 KB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

5.78 MB

This is a presentation for the technical session.

348.56 KB

This Note to File provides information for the technical session incluing hyperlinks for the agenda and

439.23 KB

Master excel table with Jay IRs received February 24 and responses from April 7, 2015

2.89 MB

This is the presentation from the Cultural Workshop Report, Appendix A.

216.2 KB

This is the Cultural Workshop Report from February 25, 2015.

8.06 KB

Bio for Gaeleen MacPherson with Dominion Diamond.

302.92 KB

This Note to File advises parties on responses to IRs and scope of development questions.

306.68 KB

This Note to File advises parties of the Review Board's intent to transfer documents relevant to the Jay Project from the WLWB registry to the MVRB registry.

32.3 KB

This is a response letter from the Yellowknives Dene to a reminder regarding comments on the Ekati Engagement Plan.

1.04 MB

Bios and CVs of Dominion employes and consultants participating in the technical sessions.

354.96 KB

Additional Board information requests to Dominion.

93.34 KB

IR responses with hyperlinks

357.47 KB

Appendix G Diavik Stakeholder Engagement IR responses Dominion 7 April 2015

9.29 MB

Baseline water quality and sediment quality memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

4.12 MB

Baseline plankton memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

38.57 MB

Baseline hydrology memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

31.16 MB

Baseline fish and fish habitat memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

100.45 KB

Appendic F Power Supply IR responses Dominion 7 April 2015

9.26 MB

Baseline benthic invertabrate memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

3.83 MB

Baseline aquatic health memo which is part of Dominion's IR responses

54.62 MB

Appendix E Pre-feasibility Dile Design IR response from Dominion 7 April 2015

2.5 MB

Appendix D Post Closure Caribou Habitat IR Responses from Dominion 7 April 2015

5.1 MB

Apendix C Traffic Caribou IR responses from Dominion 7 April 2015

46.32 MB

Appendix B Modeling compendium IR responses from Dominion 7 April 2015

568.48 KB

Appendix A to the April 7 2015 IR response submission from Dominion

78.91 MB

This is the summary of Dominion's responses to the IRs received on April 7, 2015.

678.72 KB

GNWT responses to information requests

524.9 KB

This document contains responses from federal departments to information requests directed at those departments and coordinated by NPMO

36.89 KB

Davik Diamond Mine response to Board IR #77

727.69 KB

This document contains the CVs of the two techncial advisors for DKFN.

975.6 KB

This document contains the combined CVs of technical advisors for the GNWT.

1.18 MB

This is a compilation of technical advisor CVs for KIA.

242.31 KB

This is the response document to IRs directed to the Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency.

470.25 KB

This is the CV for the IEMA technical advisor Kim Poole.

148.53 KB

This is a collection of emails from Dominion to YKDFN, NSMA, LKDFN and KIA regarding responses to information requests.

492.65 KB

This is the technical session agenda for April 20-24, 2015

44.95 KB

This is a letter from Dominion regarding stakeholder engagement with Diavik Diamond Mine.

302.87 KB

This Note to File requests parties to submit technical advisor CVs by April 7 prior to the technical session.

15.19 MB

This document contains responses to 107 information requests submitted by Dominion Diamond.

157.72 KB

Draft agenda for Jay technical sessions April 20 to 24, 2015

70.05 KB

GNWT response to DKFN's letter from 26 Feb 2015

131.55 KB

Follow up responses from Dominion to GNWT on questions raised at their 3 Feb 2015 meeting

93.23 KB

Meeting notes from Dominion's meeting with the GNWT on 3 Feb 2015

3.72 MB

Dominions 2015 work plan, submitted to the WLWB. It outlines the proposed drill locations for 2015 and was referenced in the IRs from GNWT.

101.17 KB

Summary table of IRs has been posted

813.19 KB

Summary table of IRs received by February 23, 2015 for the Jay Project, organized by topics

102.04 KB

Summary of the Review Board's meeting with Dominion Diamond on February 26, 2015 to discuss IRs and update to technical session dates

361.46 KB

This is a list of information requests directed to parties other than the developer.

2.66 MB

This is a letter from Deninu Kue First Nation to the Review Board re:consultation

303.11 KB

This is the agenda for the Dominion Diamond Aboriginal Culture Workshop scheduled for February 25.

5.75 MB

This is the 2013 Ekati WEMP Addendum Wildlife Camera Monitoring Report Summary

7.72 MB

This is the 2012 Ekati WEMP Addendum Wildlife Camera Monitoring Summary Report

35.13 MB

Te following is Rescan (ERM Rescan Environmental Services Ltd.). 2012. Ekati Diamond Mine 2012 Environmental Impact Report, prepared by Billiton Canada Inc., Yellowknife, NWT

596.13 KB

This is the Reasons for Decision on the Adequacy of the Jay Project Developer's Assessment Report.

345.04 KB

This Note to File advises parties that the due date for information request submissions is extended to February 23.

32.52 KB

This is a letter from the DKFN requesting an extension to the IR deadline.

216.89 KB

this is a letter from the Tlicho Government regarding an extension to the IR due date.

261.99 KB

This is a letter from LKDFN requesting an extension to the IR due date.

35.3 KB

This is a letter from YKDFN requesting an extension to the IR due date.

302.34 KB

This Note to File informs parties that information requests have been submitted by the Review Board to Dominion along with one information request directed at parties.

303.01 KB

This is a reminder that information requests are due on February 16 and the Technical Sessions are confirmed for April 21-23.

1.83 MB

This document contains follow-up responses and commitments from the December 2014 engagement meetings, submitted by Dominion

17.4 MB

This is the Human and Health Risk Assessment Appendices Report submitted by Dominion Diamond in response to the Adequacy Review.

8.01 MB

This is the Human and Health Risk Assessment Report submitted by Dominion Diamond in response to the Adequacy Review.

286.6 KB

This document contains adequacy review responses submitted by Dominion Diamond.

409.92 KB

This is a letter from the Review Board to Dominion re Adequacy of caribou modeling.

479.88 KB

This is a response letter from the Review Board to Dominion regarding the Work Plan in their January 22, 2015 letter.

1.35 MB

This is the Russell energy-protein model presentation shown by Don Russell at the January 19, 2015 caribou technical meeting.

6.72 MB

This is the DAR energy model presentation shown by Dominion at the January 19, 2015 caribou technical meeting.

540.55 KB

This document contains summary notes from the caribou technical meeting on January 19, 2015.

51.51 KB

This is a letter from Dominion to the Review Board re the Jay Project timeline.

12.76 MB

Adequacy Review responses from Dominion Vol 6 of 6 Thermal Assessment for Misery Pit Lake.

3.68 MB

Adequacy Review responses submitted by Dominion Vol 5 of 6 Accidents and Malfunctions Risk Assessment.

29.8 MB

Adequacy Review responses from Dominion Vol 4 of 6 Lac De Gras Hydrodynamic Model updates.

16.77 MB

Adequacy Review responses submitted by Dominion Vol 3 of 6 Air quality assessment update.

273.04 KB

Adequacy Review Responses from Dominion volume 2 of 6, Socio-economic.

5.15 MB

Adequacy Review responses from Dominion, Volume 1 of 6.

1.33 MB

Rangifer volume 34, 2014 - Special Issue No. 22 White et al, submitted by an independent consultant, Don Russell.

2.15 MB

This is the energy-protein and population modeling for the Kiggavik Project (NIRB review) submitted by an independent consultant, Don Russell.

194.43 KB

This is the CV for Don Russel who will participate in the modeling technical meeting as an independent consultant.

84.01 KB

This is the agenda for a technical meeting on protein-energy modeling.

552.42 KB

This Note to File describes the differences between an Adequacy Review and a Conformity Check.

449.25 KB

This Note to File provides instructions for the information request phase.

372.11 KB

This is the Work Plan with scheduled timelines for the EA of the Jay Project.

2.87 MB

Dominion responses to sections 4.2, 8.1 and 9.6 of the Review Board's Adequacy Review document dated November 28, 2014.

892.37 KB

This is a letter from the GNWT to the Review Board regarding the departmental participation of the GNWT.

263 KB

This is a letter from Dominion Diamond to the Review Board regarding timing of reponses to the Developer's Assessment Report adequacy review.

4.18 MB

This is the presentation for fish and fish habitat for the DDEC regulator information sessions.

16.45 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

2.69 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

3.26 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

1.4 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

1.48 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

1.13 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

6.15 MB

DDEC regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

2.1 MB

Regulator meeting Dec 11th and 12th 2014

26.02 MB

This is the Jay Developer's Assessment Report Addendum - Cumulative Effects including Sable Pit. It addresses item 5.1 of the Review Board's Adequacy Review.

81.83 KB

This is a letter from the Northern Projects Management Office describing the participation and status of federal departments in the Jay Project EA.

76.96 KB

This is the cover letter for the Jay Project Factual Reports Vol 1 Proposed Dikes and Volume 2 Proposed Jay Pit Area.

8.34 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 2: Proposed Jay Pit Area, Part D.

21.93 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 2: Proposed Jay Pit Area, Part C.

21.32 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 2: Proposed Jay Pit Area, Part B.

22.98 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 2: Proposed Jay Pit Area, Part A.

16.87 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 1: Proposed Dikes, Part D.

38.54 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 1: Proposed Dikes, Part C.

38.46 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 1: Proposed Dikes, Part B.

28.84 MB

This is the Jay Project Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Field Investigation Factual Report Vol 1: Proposed Dikes, Part A.

240.82 KB

This is the resume for Neil Hutchinson, the aquatics technical advisor to the Review Board.

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This is the CV for Kathy Racher, the Review Board's technical advisor for water quality and quantity.

410.81 KB

This is the cover letter for the Jay Project DAR.

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This is the Review Board's Adequacy Review of the Jay Project Developer's Assessment Report.

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This a a letter and agenda from Dominion for the December 11-12 Information Sessions for the Jay Devveloper's Assessment Report.

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This is the resume for Anne Gunn, the Review Board's techncial advisor for caribou for the Jay Project.

81.94 KB

This is the CV for the Review Board's geotechnical consultant, Bryan Watts, from Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.

61.19 KB

This is a response letter from Dominion Diamond to Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation regarding traditional land use and traditional knowledge reports.

359.22 KB

This Note to File advises parties of the submission of the Developer's Assessment Report and describes next steps.